Results for 'Jacob Z. Hess'

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  1.  30
    Narrating the Brain.Edwin E. Gantt, Jeffrey R. Lacasse, Jacob Z. Hess & Nathan Vierling-Claassen - 2014 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 45 (2):168-208.
    Public conversation about biological contributors to mental disorder often centers on whether the problem is “biological or not.” In this paper, we propose moving beyond this bifurcation to a very different question:how exactlyare these problems understood to be biological? Specifically, we consider four issues around which different interpretations of the body’s relationship to mental disorder exist:1. The body’s relationship to day-to-day action; 2. The extent to which the body is changeable; 3. The body’s relationship to context; 4. The degree to (...)
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    On some celestial maps and globes of the sixteenth century.Jacob Hess - 1967 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 30 (1):406-409.
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    Das Selbstbewusstwerden des Geistes.Jacob Hessing - 1936 - Stuttgart,: F. Frommann. Edited by C. Sypkens Kylstra & Käte Nadler.
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  4. Gottlob Freges "drittes Reich" der Gedanken.Jacob Hesse - 2017 - Widerspruch. Münchner Zeitschrift Für Philosophie 64:95–100.
  5. Logica als leer van zuivere rede..Jacob Hessing - 1941 - Bussum,: C.A.J. van Dishoeck.
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  6. Sefer birat Migdal ʻoz.Emden Jacob Israel ben Ẓebi - 1874
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  7. Olam katan.Joseph ben Jacob Ibn Ẓaddik - 1967 - Edited by S. Horovitz.
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  8. Migdal ʻoz.Jacob Israel ben Ẓebi Emden - 1957 - [Brooklyn]:
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    Metaphorical Uses of Proper Names and the Continuity Hypothesis.Jacob Hesse, Chris Genovesi & Eros Corazza - 2023 - Journal of Semantics.
    According to proponents of the continuity hypothesis, metaphors represent one end of a spectrum of linguistic phenomena, which includes various forms of loosening/broadening, such as category extensions and approximations, as well as hyperbolic interpretations. The continuity hypothesis is used to establish that the inferences derived from the set of linguistic expressions mentioned above result from the same or nearly similar pragmatic processes. In this paper, we want to challenge that particular aspect of the continuity hypothesis. We do so based on (...)
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    Conspiracy Theories and Religious Worldviews: Unraveling a Complex Relationship.Jacob Hesse & Christian Weidemann - 2025 - Episteme:1-20.
    After offering a definition of “conspiracy theory” and highlighting some interesting interconnections between conspiracy theories and religious worldviews, we turn to epistemologically relevant analogies. Proponents of conspiracy theories and religions have often been accused of the same biases and epistemic vices, e.g., gullibility, hypersensitive proneness to personal explanations, or overemphasis on holistic thinking. So-called Generalism is best understood as the thesis that conspiracy theories are guilty until proven innocent because they share certain “bunkum-making properties.” However, we argue for the particularist (...)
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    Cassirer on language, objectivity, and truth.Jacob Hesse - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (3):341-359.
    In his transcendental approach, Cassirer argues that an objective world is not given and then simply copied by our cognitive faculties; rather, it is gained through the development of symbolic thought and perception. According to Cassirer, language plays a crucial role in this process of objectification. In this paper, the close relationship between language and symbolism in Cassirer’s philosophy will be delineated. This will also shed light on possible distinctions between human speech and animal communication. Furthermore, the relation of language (...)
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    Metaphors, religious language and linguistic expressibility.Jacob Hesse - 2023 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 93 (3):239-258.
    This paper examines different functions of metaphors in religious language. In order to do that it will be analyzed in which ways metaphorical language can be understood as irreducible. First, it will be argued that metaphors communicate more than just propositional contents. They also frame their targets with an imagistic perspective that cannot be reduced to a literal paraphrase. Furthermore, there are also cases where metaphors are used to fill gaps of what can be expressed with literal language. In order (...)
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    Machines and metaphors: Challenges for the detection, interpretation and production of metaphors by computer programs.Jacob Hesse - 2023 - Theoria 89 (5):607-624.
    Powerful transformer models based on neural networks such as GPT-4 have enabled huge progress in natural language processing. This paper identifies three challenges for computer programs dealing with metaphors. First, the phenomenon of Twice-Apt-Metaphors shows that metaphorical interpretations do not have to be triggered by syntactical, semantic or pragmatic tensions. The detection of these metaphors seems to involve a sense of aesthetic pleasure or a higher-order theory of mind, both of which are difficult to implement into computer programs. Second, the (...)
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  14. Conspiracy Theories and Religion. Unraveling a complex Relationship.Jacob Hesse & Christian Weidemann - forthcoming - Episteme.
    After offering a definition of “conspiracy theory” and highlighting some interesting interconnections between conspiracy theories and religious worldviews, we turn to epistemologically relevant analogies. Proponents of conspiracy theories and religions have often been accused of the same biases and epistemic vices, e.g., gullibility, hypersensitive proneness to personal explanations or overemphasis on holistic thinking. So-called Generalism is best understood as the thesis that conspiracy theories are guilty until proven innocent because they share certain “bunkum-making properties” (Cassam 2015). However, we argue for (...)
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    Metalinguistic Agnosticism, Religious Fictionalism and the Reasonable Believer.Jacob Hesse - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (3):197-202.
    With the position, he labels as “new” or “metalinguistic agnosticism” Robin LePoidevin can avoid some problems with which fictionalists about religious language are confronted. Religious fictionalism is a position according to which all religious claims[1] are considered to be false when taken at face value. But because fictionalists about religious language think that certain religious worldviews have pragmatic benefits, they interpret several claims in such worldviews as true in fiction. This enables them to gain pragmatic benefits because they live as (...)
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    Zur Semantik der Analogielehre.Jacob Hesse - 2023 - Zeitschrift Für Theologie Und Philosophie 145:327–352.
    In dieser Abhandlung wird zunächst die Analogielehre des Thomas von Aquin dargestellt. Darauf folgt die Entfaltung zweier grundlegender sprachphilosophischer Probleme dieser Theorie. In einem dritten Schritt werden zwei mögliche Alternativen zur thomistischen Theorie vorgestellt. Gemäß der ersten könnte man wie William Alston oder Richard Swinburne für eine Form der Univozität zwischen der Bedeutung der Ausdrücke plädieren, die von Gott und den Menschen gemeinsam gebraucht werden. Die zweite, hier favorisierte Lösungsstrategie kann über eine metaontologische Unterscheidung zwischen fundamentalen und nicht-fundamentalen Wahrheiten konsistent (...)
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    Metapher, Kontext Und Kognition: Metaphern Zwischen Indexikalität Und Ähnlichkeit.Jacob Hesse - 2022 - De Gruyter.
    The series offers a publication forum for innovative works on all topics of analytic philosophy. The focus is on the disciplines of theoretical philosophy: metaphysics, ontology, epistemology, philosophy of language, logic. Furthermore, works that additionally include contributions to the history of philosophy are also welcome.
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  18. Review of: Grice’s Café – Coffee, cream, and metaphor comprehension.Jacob Hesse - 2023 - Qeios.
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  19. Religion und Dogmatismus ausgehend von Ernst Cassirer.Jacob Hesse - 2024 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 71 (1):96–114.
    Religion scheint auf den ersten Blick eine besondere Anfälligkeit für Dogmatismus zu besitzen. Religiöse Überzeugungen sind häufig tief im Leben der Menschen verankert und religiöse Hingabe scheint in Spannung zu jedem Zweifel an dem Inhalt der jeweiligen Religion zu stehen. Auf der Basis von Ernst Cassirers Überlegungen kann im Gegensatz zu diesem Anschein eine Konzeption von Religion entwickelt werden, wonach sich diese gerade durch eine kritische Reflexion auf die eigenen Inhalte auszeichnet und im Gegensatz zu Aberglauben, Irrglaube und Wahnglaube, zu (...)
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  20. Religion und Wissenschaft bei Charles Sanders Peirce.Jacob Hesse - 2015 - Münster: LIT.
  21.  9
    Deviance and the literal-metaphorical distinction revisited.Chris Genovesi & Jacob Hesse - 2025 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-25.
    Classical deviance theories about metaphor argue that the metaphorical sense of a word or expression, w, deviates from the sense of the word or expression interpreted literally. Developments in lexical pragmatics challenge these theories by claiming that deviance pervades (nearly) all aspects of linguistic communication. If deviance is the norm, then classical explanans offer little to no insight. In fact, many theorists have abandoned the idea of the literal-metaphorical distinction. This move carries significant consequences for theories of language and communication. (...)
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    Automatically generating personalized user interfaces with Supple.Krzysztof Z. Gajos, Daniel S. Weld & Jacob O. Wobbrock - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (12-13):910-950.
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    Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning.Tomislav Pavlović, Flavio Azevedo, Koustav De, Julián C. Riaño-Moreno, Marina Maglić, Theofilos Gkinopoulos, Patricio Andreas Donnelly-Kehoe, César Payán-Gómez, Guanxiong Huang, Jaroslaw Kantorowicz, Michèle D. Birtel, Philipp Schönegger, Valerio Capraro, Hernando Santamaría-García, Meltem Yucel, Agustin Ibanez, Steve Rathje, Erik Wetter, Dragan Stanojević, Jan-Willem van Prooijen, Eugenia Hesse, Christian T. Elbaek, Renata Franc, Zoran Pavlović, Panagiotis Mitkidis, Aleksandra Cichocka, Michele Gelfand, Mark Alfano, Robert M. Ross, Hallgeir Sjåstad, John B. Nezlek, Aleksandra Cislak, Patricia Lockwood, Koen Abts, Elena Agadullina, David M. Amodio, Matthew A. J. Apps, John Jamir Benzon Aruta, Sahba Besharati, Alexander Bor, Becky Choma, William Cunningham, Waqas Ejaz, Harry Farmer, Andrej Findor, Biljana Gjoneska, Estrella Gualda, Toan L. D. Huynh, Mostak Ahamed Imran, Jacob Israelashvili & Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko - forthcoming - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: Nexus.
    At the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 became a global problem. Despite all the efforts to emphasize the relevance of preventive measures, not everyone adhered to them. Thus, learning more about the characteristics determining attitudinal and behavioral responses to the pandemic is crucial to improving future interventions. In this study, we applied machine learning on the multi-national data collected by the International Collaboration on the Social and Moral Psychology of COVID-19 (N = 51,404) to test the predictive efficacy of constructs from (...)
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  24. Depicting Deity. A Metatheological Approach (Jonathan L. Kvanvig). [REVIEW]Jacob Hesse - 2022 - Zeitschrift Für Theologie Und Philosophie 144 (2):275–279.
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  25. Phänomen und Begriff der Metapher. Vorschlag zur Systematisierung der Theoriegeschichte (Luzia Goldmann). [REVIEW]Jacob Hesse - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 76 (1):160–164.
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  26. Where Metaphors come from (Zoltán Kövecses). [REVIEW]Jacob Hesse - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Katholische Theologie 141 (2/3):385–388.
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  27. Defining Textual Entailment.Daniel Z. Korman, Eric Mack, Jacob Jett & Allen H. Renear - 2018 - Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 69:763-772.
    Textual entailment is a relationship that obtains between fragments of text when one fragment in some sense implies the other fragment. The automation of textual entailment recognition supports a wide variety of text-based tasks, including information retrieval, information extraction, question answering, text summarization, and machine translation. Much ingenuity has been devoted to developing algorithms for identifying textual entailments, but relatively little to saying what textual entailment actually is. This article is a review of the logical and philosophical issues involved in (...)
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    Alain (Émile Chartier) in der Reihe der französischen Moralisten. (Ein Beitr. z. Verständnis d. jüngeren Frankreich.).Gerhard Hess - 1931 - E. Ebering.
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    Patient Rights and Law: tobacco smoking in psychiatric wards and the Israeli Prevention of Smoking Act.Ilya Kagan, Ronit Kigli-Shemesh, Nili Tabak, Moshe Z. Abramowitz & Jacob Margolin - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (5):472-478.
    In August 2001, the Israeli Ministry of Health issued its Limitation of Smoking in Public Places Order, categorically forbidding smoking in hospitals. This forced the mental health system to cope with the issue of smoking inside psychiatric hospitals. The main problem was smoking by compulsorily hospitalized psychiatric patients in closed wards. An attempt by a psychiatric hospital to implement the tobacco smoking restraint instruction by banning the sale of cigarettes inside the hospital led to the development of a black market (...)
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  30. Der Briefwechsel von Jacob Bernoulli.Heinz-Jürgen Hess - forthcoming - Studia Leibnitiana.
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    Attitudes of Lay People to Withdrawal of Treatment in Brain Damaged Patients.Jacob Gipson, Guy Kahane & Julian Savulescu - 2013 - Neuroethics 7 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundWhether patients in the vegetative state (VS), minimally conscious state (MCS) or the clinically related locked-in syndrome (LIS) should be kept alive is a matter of intense controversy. This study aimed to examine the moral attitudes of lay people to these questions, and the values and other factors that underlie these attitudes.MethodOne hundred ninety-nine US residents completed a survey using the online platform Mechanical Turk, comprising demographic questions, agreement with treatment withdrawal from each of the conditions, agreement with a series (...)
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    Ethics a–Z.Jonathan A. Jacobs - 2005 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Jacobs introduces the issues, language, concepts and positions central to ethical theorizing. Entries range from antiquity to the present and basic to advance. Cross-referencing allows readers to explore topics in depth. Items explain complex issues of normative ethics, metaethics and moral psychology in non-technical language.
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  33. Byt i własności według Anzelma z Canterbury.Leopold Hess - 2007 - Diametros 13:40-57.
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  34. Values: Nietzsche's metaethical stance / Nadeem J.Z. Hussain ; Nietzsche and the arts of life / Aaron Ridley ; Nietzsche on autonomy / R. Lanier Anderson ; The overman / Randall Havas ; Order of rank / Robert Guay ; 'A promise made is a debt unpaid' : Nietzsche on the morality of commitment and the commitments of morality / Mare Migotti ; Will to power : does it lead to the "coldest of all cold monsters"? [REVIEW]Jacob Golomb - 2013 - In Ken Gemes & John Richardson, The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Syntax - An international handbook of contemporary research.Joachim Jacobs, Arnim von Stechow, Wolfgang Sternefeld & Theo Vennemann (eds.) - 1993 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Die Syntax als die Disziplin der Linguistik, die den Satzbau zum Gegenstand hat, ist heute in eine Vielfalt einzelner Schulen zerfallen, die sich oft radikal in ihren Zielen und Methoden unterscheiden. Diese Schulenvielfalt ist z.T. darauf zurückzuführen, daß traditionelle, strukturalistische und dependenzgrammatische Ansätze den in den sechziger Jahren einsetzenden Siegeszug der Generativen Grammatik überlebt haben, unter anderem, weil sie sich bei der Erstellung von nicht rein theoretisch orientierten Sprachbeschreibungen als handlicher erwiesen. Aber auch die interne Entwicklung der Generativen Grammatik trug (...)
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  36. Die Idee der Phänomenologie.Hanne Jacobs - 2017 - In Sebastian Luft & Maren Wehrle, Husserl-Handbuch Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. pp. 125-134.
    Betrachtet man die Geschichte des Begriffs ‚Phänomenologie‘, ist nicht auf den ersten Blick klar, was darunter zu verstehen ist. Wie Schuhmann (1984 ) herausgearbeitet hat, tritt dieser Begriff in der Philosophiegeschichte auf, noch lange bevor Edmund Husserl sich ihn zu Eigen machte, um sein eigenes philosophisches Projekt zu beschreiben. Auch hinderte Husserls Versuch, diesen Begriff für die Beschreibung seines eigenen einmaligen Projekts zu beanspruchen, seine Zeitgenossen (z.B. Pfänder, Reinach, Stein) keineswegs daran, denselben Begriff ebenfalls zur Beschreibung ihrer jeweiligen Projekte und (...)
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  37. The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings, 8th edition.Raja Halwani, Jacob M. Held, Natasha McKeever & Alan G. Soble (eds.) - 2022 - Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
    This is the 8th edition of the book, with eight new essays to the volume. Table of contents: Are We Having Sex Now or What? (Greta Christina); Sexual Perversion (Thomas Nagel); Plain Sex (Alan Goldman); Sex and Sexual Perversion (Robert Gray); Masturbation and the Continuum of Sexual Activities (Alan Soble); Love: What’s Sex Got to Do with It? (Natasha McKeever); Is “Loving More” Better? The Values of Polyamory (Elizabeth Brake); What Is Sexual Orientation? (Robin Dembroff); Sexual Orientation: What Is It? (...)
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    Jerry Z. Muller: Professor der Apokalypse. Die vielen Leben des Jacob Taubes.Reinhard Mehring - 2023 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 76 (1):54-59.
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  39. [z nowości zagranicznych] Zagadnienia filozoficzne w matematyce J.M. Folina, Poincaré and the Philosophy of Mathematics, 1992. K. Jacobs, Invitation to Mathematics, 1992. D. M. Davis, The Nature and Power of Mathematics, 1993. G. Hellman, Mathemati. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1994 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 16.
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    Reply to Deng, Hesse and Gäb.Robin Le Poidevin - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (3):203-213.
    I am very grateful to Natalja, Jacob and Sebastian for their kind attention to my paper, and for their many insights on this topic, which have materially helped me get clearer about some of the issues. All the points of disagreement are constructive and it has been both a pleasure and an education to engage with them. I’m also happy to note some points of agreement, too! Here I attempt to reply to some of the objections.
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    Neuronauka poznawcza z punktu widzenia Mocnego Programu Socjologii Wiedzy Naukowej.Marek Więcław - 2025 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 19 (3):7-30.
    This article aims to apply the main theses of the finitist account of knowledge of the Strong Programme of the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SPSSK) to cognitive neuroscience, understood as a methodologically advanced, transdisciplinary research enterprise belonging to the tradition of natural sciences. The text reconstructs the argumentative line of the Strong Programme’s finitism, pointing to its theoretical sources: the late Wittgensteinian semantic concepts together with his rule-following considerations and the network concept of language proposed by Mary Hesse. The application (...)
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    The inevitability of particular interpretations: catholicism and science: Peter M. J. Hess and Paul L. Allen: Catholicism and science, Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn., 2008, xxvi + 241 pp, US $65.00, £44.95 HB. [REVIEW]Don O’Leary - 2010 - Metascience 20 (2):313-315.
    The inevitability of particular interpretations: catholicism and science Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9426-z Authors Don O’Leary, Department of Anatomy, Biosciences Institute, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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  43. Qu’est-ce qu’un dispositif de terreur ?Jacob Rogozinski & Andreas Wilmes - 2018 - Esprit 10 (10):85-96.
    Une religion est un dispositif de croyance qui peut s’employer dans le sens de l’émancipation ou être dévoyé par des dispositifs de domination, de persécution, voire de terreur. Les analyses du djihadisme sous-estiment trop souvent sa dimension religieuse, notamment messianique et apocalyptique.
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  44. Case and Series: Medical Knowledge and Paper Technology, 1600–1900.Volker Hess & J. Andrew Mendelsohn - 2010 - History of Science 48 (3-4):287-314.
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    American Philosophers Read Scripture.Jacob L. Goodson (ed.) - 2019 - Lexington Books.
    The practice and task of the philosophical interpretation of Scripture has been treated as a conversation-stopper within the academy. This collection corrects that tendency by offering substantive accounts of the role of Scripture in the philosophical thought of fifteen American philosophers.
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    A Realpolitik for Presidential Health: A Psychiatrist's Perspective.Jacob M. Appel - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (4):12-17.
    The health and fitness of United States presidents has been a matter of concern since the Constitutional Convention. Several United States presidents, including James Madison, James Garfield, and Woodrow Wilson, were significantly impaired during portions of their tenure. Yet how to address this issue has proved both ethically and politically challenging, increasingly so during our nation's current period of elevated polarization. This essay reviews the history of presidential impairment and the range of proposals that have been offered to address it. (...)
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    The Monadothergy: Discovering Transcendence with Leibniz and Levinas.Jacob Archambault - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (4):650-661.
    This paper approaches the question of Levinas' relation to philosophy by situating his understanding of transcendence next to that of Leibniz. After offering some preliminary examples, I detail the structure of transcendence in the philosophies of Leibniz and Levinas, focusing on Leibniz's Principles of Nature and Grace and Levinas’ Essence and Disinterestedness. From here, I return to the question of whether Levinas’ thinking can be regarded as moving beyond philosophy as such. I conclude with some thoughts on what it would (...)
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    Being moved by meaningfulness: appraisals of surpassing internal standards elicit being moved by relationships and achievements.Helen Landmann, Florian Cova & Ursula Hess - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (7):1387-1409.
    ABSTRACTPeople can be moved and overwhelmed, a phenomenon typically accompanied by goose-bumps and tears. We argue that these feelings of being moved are not limited to situations that are appraise...
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    Commodity Fetishism and the Value Concept: Some Contrasting Points of View.Jacob Morris, M. Colman & Donald Clark Hodges - 1966 - Science and Society 30 (2):206 - 227.
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    Der Weg zur Gotteserkenntnis bei Augustinus und Descartes.Jacob Obersteiner - 1968 - Augustinus 13 (49-52):283-305.
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